Brand perception is a tricky thing because sales often rely on how a customer feels towards the brand. A logo is usually the first approach to a company’s branding strategy because it is the first symbol a person is exposed to. Statistics prove that people tend to absorb more information visually than from other media, therefore, the logo should portray your brand’s message perfectly.
What is brand perception?
We call brand perception the way a customer perceives your brand. It is based on interactions and experiences with a brand either by first-hand experience or by word of mouth. Why is it important? Simply put, the perception of your brand can impact people’s decision to do business with it. Based on perception, people can decide whether or not to buy something or even to recommend it or not. Want your eCommerce to succeed? Pay attention to your logo and to brand perception.
Attributes for your logo
When looking at some of the most famous logos, there is one thing in common: a simple design that, at the same time, manages to be unique. The simpler the design, the easier it is for a customer to remember it.
As an example, we have McDonald’s, whose logo is simple and can be recognized even by little children. At the same time, it is so unique that it cannot be mistaken with any other brand.
Minimalist logos
Ever since its launch, Twitter has portrayed something new and unique. The same concept was successfully translated to its logo. Inspired by the short sounds of birds, this platform bet for communication through short messages.
Its logo is a simple form in one color only, featuring a simplified outline of a bird’s body.
Just by looking at the logo, you can come up with the name of the brand avoiding any mistake with other brands. This just shows how powerful the Twitter logo is.

– Uber
Uber is the perfect example of a minimalist wordmark logo. They searched for the perfect font for their logo instead of looking for a symbol and they were right because today they have one of the most distinctive yet simple logos.

– Nike
Nike managed to set an unforgettable, minimalist logo that plays with the company’s namesake— the winged Greek goddess of victory. At the same time, the logo conveys the spirit of movement and speed.
Once your logo is established and working perfectly to deliver your brand’s message. What is next? Simple, monitoring your brand’s online perception.

If you want to know what people think about your brands, the first step is listening. Today, paying attention to online communities is easier because people are used to sharing what they think. Want to know how to monitor your brand online? Here are a few steps:
- Sing up for Google Alerts
Google Alerts is a tool that will monitor the web for mentions. All you need to do is enter the keywords you want to monitor like your company’s name.
- Read online reviews
People trust reviews in any scenario including B2B. If you want to know what others think of your brand, it is good to start googling reviews about your product or service.
Want a strong and optimized online perception of your brand? Let us help you. We are experts in strategy for brand perception online.